Myofascial Release is a hands on therapeutic technique that targets the fascial network of the body in a very specific way. The fascial system of the body creates a 3D ,web-like structure that connects everything from individual cells all the way up to large muscle groups, organs and bones.

This network can often become damaged or compromised due to physical injuries or imbalances, mental/emotional trauma, surgical scarring as well as many other factors.

When damaged the fascia can apply up to 2000 pounds of pressure per square inch upon the body, creating chronic pain, neurological and vascular impingement and restrictions in movement!

Unlike other forms of massage or manual therapy, in this practice there is no use of oil, and hand placement is often held in one area for up to 3-5 minutes at a time with varying degrees of pressure.

The intention of this work is to find any blockages or restraints in the movement of the body's fascia, and allow for it to release in a gentle, non-forceful manner.

This work is very intuitive and helps guide a patient’s awareness back into their own body, encouraging them to feel what they are experiencing rather than ignoring or masking their own personal sensations.

This can lead to very deep and meaningful healings that have a profound impact on how a patient relates and feels within their own body. A slogan or mantra that is often used in this work is, “you have to feel it to heal it”.


60 MINS = $95.00 

90 MINS = $130.00 

120 MINS = $170.00

All prices include GST

Payment methods: Cash/etransfer, Credit Card via Square tap

Invoices are provided for all treatments and can be used for your own insurance billing.